System shock remake new vision
System shock remake new vision

system shock remake new vision system shock remake new vision

However, what makes System Shock special is the attention to detailed placed in the enviromental storytelling. Remember, this was originally released in 1994, when storytelling wasn’t as developed in games as they are today. An AI has gone rogue and you must stop them is something we’ve seen plenty of times before. You must explore the Citadel Station to put a stop to SHODAN before she attacks Earth.Īs far as stories go, System Shock is pretty straight forward. As you would expect, things go horribly wrong, as SHODAN has gone rogue, releasing a bioweapon across the station and turning the security systems against the survivors. You are asked to remove the ethical limitation from the stations artificial intelliegence known as SHODAN. You are arrested and brought to Citadel Station, where you are offered an opportunity. Set in the far future, you play as a hacker looking to steal technology from the TriOptium corporation. Players who enjoy titles like Bioshock and Dying Light will want to give this game a try.If you say “they copied Prey” I will punch you. Though delays have caused turmoil among those eagerly awaiting the upcoming release, the System Shock remake shows promise and will be a great addition to current sci-fi horror games. The inventory, health meter, and energy meter have all been given upgrades that present in a more streamlined manner, allowing players to keep track of their levels and easily switch between items.Īll this refinement brings a classic, genre-defining title to modern standards and will capture a new audience while pleasing its longstanding, dedicated fan base. Kinetic weapons are more reminiscent of Halo's plasma rifle with updated sounds and effects.

system shock remake new vision

Veterans of the series will enjoy reliving the original experience with updated mechanics, visual displays, and combat. While many franchise reboots see various changes to prominent components, the System Shock remake stays true to its origins while bringing the quality up to date for modern hardware.

System shock remake new vision